Restaurant "Zlatı Bık"

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After our first night's dinner at Restaurant Canto, we went out for a walk and passed the "Zlaty Byk."  We decided that we would dine there on our second night.

The waiter was a short bald man who spoke good English.  Upon sitting down, he brought over four bottles of liquor, and asked us what we would like.  We declined the aperitif and he gave us an odd look of misunderstanding.  He then brought over an appetizer tray and I took a cheesy cream-stuffed tomato which was

tasty.I had the house draft, the original Czech "Budweiser" (which turned into two half-liters).  I sampled the cucumber salad from the "Zlaty Byk" specialty menu.  All it turned out to be was sliced cucumber with a little salt on top.   Interesting!

We then had another big meal, gorging ourselves on meat, potatoes, and really good beer.  When it was all said and done, the waiter handed me the check for a total of about $30USD and I almost felt bad.  I gave him a tip of about $5USD and he practically bowed down to me.  I then asked about the magnificent beer and he explained the story of Czech Budweiser.

The Restaurant "Zlaty Byk" was a wonderful experience and a good exercise in culture.  I had a great feeling after having experienced the Czech culture and food.  The food and staff at "Zlaty Byk" made for a great experience that I would be excited about repeating.

Go to Cedaz Transportation

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Along the Melnicka Street in Prague, in front of Zlatı Bık, just behind the taxi.  We saw the bull character on the sign out front and thought, "This might be nice!"


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